A special triaxial apparatus allowing for a gammametric measurement of local density is used to study the influence of experimental conditions in triaxial tests. Compression tests performed along different stress paths and classical extension tests provide reliable results on the rheological behavior of sand up to large strains and permit characterization of the limit state of perfect plasticity.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, W. M.
and Belshaw
, D. J.
, “On the Interpretation of Triaxial Test
,” Géotechnique
, Vol. 18
, 1968
, pp. 336
, A. W.
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, A. E.
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,” Géotechnique
, Vol. 15
, No. 3
, 1965
, pp. 243
, P. W.
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, L.
, “Importance of Free Ends in Triaxial Testings
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, No. SM1
, 1964
, pp. 1
, E.
, “Etude du Comportement d'un Sable Dense à l'aide d'une Presse Tridimensionnelle
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, G.
, Goldscheider
, M.
, and Winter
, S.
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, Karlsruhe, West Germany
, 1975
, J. A.
, “A New True Triaxial Apparatus
,” Proceedings
, Roscoe Memorial Symposium
, Cambridge, England
, 1971
, pp. 330
, G. E.
and Reades
, D. W.
, “Boundary Conditions Anisotropy and Sample Effects on the Stress-Strain Behaviour of Sand in Triaxial Compression and Plane Strain
,” Géotechnique
, Vol. 25
, No. 2
, 1975
, pp. 333
, W. M.
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, 1957
, pp. 172
, A. S.
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, G. F.
, “Strength of One Dimensionally Consolidated Clays
,” Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers
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, No. GT11
, 1975
, pp. 1151
, D. W.
, Gens
, A.
, and Symes
, M. J.
, “The Development of a New Hollow Cylinder Apparatus For Investigating the Effects of Principal Stress Rotation in Soils
,” Géotechnique
, Vol. 33
, No. 4
, 1983
, pp. 355
, G.
, Darve
, F.
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, I.
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, Grenoble, France
, 1982
, J. W.
and Rice
, J. R.
, “Conditions for the Localisation of Deformation in Pressure Sensitive Dilatant Material
,” Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids
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, 1975
, pp. 371
, I.
, “Bifurcation Analysis of the Triaxial Test on Sand Samples
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, Vol. 32
, 1979
, p. 3554.14.
, F.
, Molenkamp
, F.
, Torii
, T.
, and Himo
, T.
, “Behavior of Lubrication Layers of Platens in Element Tests
,” Soils and Foundations
, Vol. 24
, No. 1
, 1984
, pp. 113
, A.
and Vardoulakis
, I.
, “Behaviour of Dry Sand Tested in a Large Triaxial Apparatus
,” Géotechnique
, Vol. 34
, No. 2
, 1984
, pp. 183
, J.
and Duthilleul
, B.
, “Mesure du Champ de Déformation d'un Objet Plan par la Méthode Stéréophotogrammétrique de Faux Relief
,” Journal de Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée
, Vol. 3
, No. 1
, 1984
, pp. 79
, J.
, Lanier
, J.
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, P.
, “Localisation of the Deformation in Tests on Sand Sample
,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics
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, Vol. 21
, No. 4
, 1985
, pp. 909
, D. W.
and Green
, G. E.
, “Independent Stress Control and Triaxial Extension Tests on Sand
,” Géotechnique
, Vol. 26
, No. 4
, 1976
, pp. 551
, B.
, “Performances de la Plateforme de Mesure “Phogadense,”
Comptes-rendus de l'Académie des Sciences
, Vol. 165
, 1967
, pp. 437
, J. M.
, “Sur l'Identification Optimale de Lois de Comportement Elasto-plastiques Isotropes: Application au Milieu Pulvérulent, Essais Triaxiaux avec Mesure Non Destructive de la Densité
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, D.
, “Rhéologie des Milieux Pulvérulents: Etude Expérimentale et Identification d'une Loi de Comportement
,” Thèse de Docteur-Ingénieur, Grenoble, France, 1982
, J. C.
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, B.
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,” Thèse d'Etat, Grenoble, France, 1968
, A.
and Wroth
, P.
, Critical State Soil Mechanics
, MacGraw-Hill
, London
, 1968
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