Automated testing systems are presently widely used in soil laboratory strength testings to monitor load, displacement, and pressure. A new device is introduced here for automatic measurements of the volume change of soil specimens during drained triaxial tests. The device is versatile and capable of monitoring volumetric changes of soil specimens with various dimensions, volume change characteristics, and degrees of saturation. It can also be used to measure the pore pressure inside a soil specimen during an undrained test.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, P. I.
, “Use of Servo Mechanics for Volume Change Measurement and K0 Consolidations
,” Geotechnique
0016-8505, Vol. 21
, No. 3
, 1971
, pp. 259
, P.
, “Discussion on Apparatus for Measuring Volume Change Suitable for Automatic Logging
,” Geotechnique
0016-8505, Vol. 23
, 1973
, pp. 140
, J.
, “Lever-Type Apparatus for Electrically Measuring Volume Change
,” Geotechnique
0016-8505, Vol. 24
, No. 4
, 1974
, pp. 670
, G. O.
, “Apparatus for Measuring Volume Change Suitable for Automatic Logging
,” Geotechnique
0016-8505, Vol. 22
, No. 3
, 1975
, pp. 525
, B. K.
, “A Device for Measuring Volume Change
,” Geotechnique
0016-8505, Vol. 25
, No. 1
, 1975
, pp. 133
, P.
, “A Device for Automatic Measurement of Volume Change
,” Geotechnique
0016-8505, Vol. 28
, No. 3
, 1978
, pp. 348
, N. S.
, “Static and Dynamic Behavior of Cemented Sands
,” Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of Ph.D. requirements to Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 10
, A. W.
and Henkel
, D. J.
, “The Measurement of Soil Properties in the Triaxial Test
,” 2nd ed., Edward Arnold Publishers, Ltd.
, 1962
, G. W.
, Sitar
, N.
, Bachus
, R. C.
, and Rad
, N. S.
, “Cemented Sands Under Static Loading
,” Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers
, Vol. 107
, No. GT6
, 06
, pp. 779
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