A large liquefaction tank used to prepare sand for laboratory testing required a 107-cm (42-in.) diameter filter. The filter was needed to separate the sand from water diffusers below, to facilitate a uniform upward flow of water, and to filter out undersired fines. The chosen design consisted of two geotextile fabrics sandwiched between a perforated plexiglass sheet and a steel grating. Selection of the geotextiles was based on the fabrics' porosities, permeabilities, and pore sizes. The system has been a success and has required no maintenance in over four years of usage.
Issue Section:
Technical Notes
, R. M.
and Welsh
, J. P.
, Construction and Geotechnical Engineering Using Synthetic Fabrics
, John Wiley and Sons
, New York
, 1980
, R. D.
, “A Laboratory Study of Blast Densification of Sand with Millisecond Delays
,” M.S. thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Northwestern University
, Evanston, IL, 1984
, J. M.
, “A Laboratory Study of Blast Densification of Sand
,” M.S. thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Northwestern University
, Evanston, IL, 1982
, S. J.
, Baker
, C. N.
, and Gnaedinger
, J. P.
, “Laboratory Test Report: Filter X
,” Soil Testing Services, Inc.
, Northbrook, IL
, 1967
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