Stress wave energy measurements were made to compare the performance of an automatic standard penetration test (SPT) hammer system with the free fall performance of a safety type hammer. It was found that the automatic free fall hammer and the safety hammer tested in free fall provide practically the same mean peak force at impact and the same mean driving energy. The coefficient of variation of measured stress wave energy during any test series of the automatic hammer system is relatively small and usually in the range of 1 to 2%.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, Y. Y.
, “Design Considerations Using SPT's
,” Recent Advances in Geotechnical Engineering Practice, Proceedings
, Ohio River Valley Soils Seminar XIII
, Lexington, KY
, 10
, G. F.A.
, “Standard Penetration Test: Its Uses and Abuses
,” Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers
, Vol. 91
, No. SM4
, 07
, pp. 67
, G. G.
and Ruchti
, P.
, “Measurements of Impact Velocity on Penetration Testing Systems
,” Report, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado
, Boulder, CO, 10
, W. D.
, Evans
, J. C.
, and Griffith
, A. H.
, “A Comparative Investigation of the Mobile Drilling Company's Safe-T-Driver with the Standard Cathead and Manila Rope for the Performance of the Standard Penetration Test
,” Report, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University
, Lafayette, IN, 1975
, W. D.
, Salomone
, L. A.
, and Yokel
, F. Y.
, “Energy Measurement in the Standard Penetration Test
,” NBS Building Science Series 135, National Bureau of Standards
, Washington, DC
, 08
, J. H.
and Palacios
, A.
, “Energy Dynamics of SPT
,” Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers
, Vol. 105
, No. GT8
, 1979
, pp. 909
, J. H.
and Smith
, T. V.
, “A Summary of SPT Energy Calibration Services Performed for the Florida DOT Under Service Contract 99700-7150-010
,” Final Research Report 245*D73, College of Engineering, University of Florida
, Gainesville, FL, 09
, S.
and Lowther
, G.
, “SPT Practice Meets Critical Review
,” Ground Engineering
0017-4653, Vol. 6
, No. 1
, 1973
, pp. 20
, Y.
, Uto
, K.
, Fuyuki
, M.
, and Iwasaki
, T.
, Present State and Future Trend of Penetration Testing in Japan
, Xth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
, Stockholm
, 06
, G.
, “The Effect of Drilling Methods on SPT Results
,” Shallow Exploration Driller's Clinic
, Lincoln, NE
, 1980
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