A burst tester for assessing the bidirectional strength of geotextiles has been developed and is presented herein. The tester was used to determine the properties of a number of differently manufactured geotextiles, and these results are described. The results are analyzed using the theory for membranes subject to a uniform pressure.
Having established the usefulness of the tester for bidirectional strength testing the apparatus was used to assess the resistance of geotextiles to abrasion produced with the standard double-head rotary test in accordance with ASTM Tests for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Oscillatory Cylinder and Uniform Abrasion Method) (D 1175). The effects using different stones are reported on, and the results using an H-18 stone are compared with the field performance of some geotextiles recovered from a railroad track environment. Conclusions are presented favorable to the use of the developed appratus.