Our paper describes a new experimental laboratory apparatus developed to investigate the transient and long-term porewater pressure response of saturated soils subject to compressional stress wave loading. An overview of the laboratory system, the various components, and the experimental procedure followed are presented. Measurements include porewater pressure-time histories for the specimen and total stress time histories for the applied load. Test results indicate that Monterey No. 0/30 sand can be liquefied even at high initial densities and effective stresses under undrained, one-dimensional, confined compressive shock loadings.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
pore pressures,
saturated sand,
shock loading,
soil dynamics,
soil mechanics,
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, W. A.
, Mansouri
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, Stockholm, Sweden
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, pp. 78
, W. A.
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, G. E.
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, S. R.
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, C. H.
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, No. GT2
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, pp. 187
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, ASCE, New York, 03
, pp. 235
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, K. L.
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, A. S.
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