A review of various criteria that have been proposed to identify collapsible soils and test techniques, which are used to quantify the amount of collapse, is presented. The results of a series of laboratory single and double oedometer collapse tests conducted on three metastable loess soils are presented to illustrate problems associated with investigating collapse behavior of soils. Guidelines are proposed for developing a standard test procedure.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, A. B. A.
and Kantey
, B. A.
, βCollapsible Grain Structure in Residual Granite Soils in South Africa
,β Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
, Vol. 1
, 1961
, pp. 611
, W. S.
, βAlluvial Fans and Near-Surface Subsidence in Western Fresno County, California
,β U.S. Geological Survey Prof.
Paper 437-A, 1964
, L. W.
and Hastings
, βA void-collapse model for dry porous tuffs
,β Engineering Geology
, 1973
, Vol. 7
, pp. 81
, W. G.
and Hilf
, J. W.
, βSettlement of Soil Foundations Due to Saturation
,β Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
, Vol. 1
, 1961
, pp. 673
, A.
and Wiseman
, G.
, βA Study of Collapse Plenomena of an Undisturbed Loess
,β Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
, Vol. 2.2
, 1973
, pp. 265
, R. L.
, βCollapsible Loess in Iowa
,β Soil Science Society of America Proceedings
, Vol. 37
, 1973
, pp. 281
, J.
, βStructural Stability of Subsident Loess from Praha-Dejvice
,β Engineering Geology
, Vol. 1
, 1966
, pp. 201
, H. J.
and Bara
, J. P.
, βPredicting Surface Subsidence from Basic Soils Tests
,β U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Soils Engineering, Report EM-658, 1962
, P. C.
, βConstruction of Large Canal on Collapsing Soils
,β Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE
, Vol. 107
, 1981
, pp. 79
, P. J.
, βCollapsing Soils and Their Basic Parameters in an Area in the Tucson, Arizona Vicinity
,β Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Arizona
, Tuscon, AZ, 1968
, L. A.
, βGeotechnical Properties of the Soils Affected by Piping Near the Benson Area, Cochise County, Arizona
,β Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Arizona
, Tuscon, AZ, 1968
, A.
and Thornton
, S.
, βCollapsible Soils in Louisiana
,β Engineering Research Bulletin 111
, Louisiana State University
, 1972
, W.
, βExperiences with Loess as Foundation Material
,β Transactions of ASCE
, Vol. 123
, 1958
, pp. 151
, W. G.
and Gibbs
, H. J.
, βConsolidation and Related Properties of Loessial Soils
,β Symposium on Consolidation Testing of Soils
, STP 126, American Society for Testing and Materials
, Philadelphia
, 1951
, pp. 9
, J. H.
, βReview of Collapsing Soils
,β Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, ASCE
, Vol. 96
, 1970
, pp. 925
, S. P.
, βCollapsible Soils: Identification, Treatment and Design Considerations
,β Current Practices in Geotechnical Engineering
, Vol. 1
, Geo-Environ Academia
, Jodhpur
, 1985
, M. M.
, Singh
, S.
, and Bhanuprosad
, D.
, βCollapsible Soils: Identification, Characteristics and Construction Techniques
,β Asian Regional Symposium on Geotechnical Problems and Practices in Foundation Engineering
, Colombo, Sri Lanka
, 1986
, pp. 199
, R. T.
, βCollapse Potential and Pore-Size Distribution of Friable Loess Soils
,β unpublished M.S. thesis, Clarkson University
, Potsdom, NY, 1987
Soil Mechanics
, Design Manual 7.1, Department of the Navy
, 1982
, Y. M.
, βThe Essentials of Designing and Building on Microporous Soils
,β Stroital Naya Promyshlemast
, No. 10
, 1948
, K.
, βThe Origin and Occurrence of Collapsing Soils
,β Proceedings of the 3rd Regional Conference for Africa on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
, Vol. 1
, 1963
, pp. 127
, M.
, The Loess of Northern Bulgaria
, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
, Sofia Press
, 1968
, B.
, βMicrostructural Sensitivity of Loesses
,β Bulletin De L'Academie Polonaise Des Sciences
, Vol. 30
, 1983
, pp. 181
, E.
, βOrigin and Characteristics of Some Chinese Loess at Two Locations in China
,β Eolian Sediments and Processes
, Elsevier Science Publishers
, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
, 1982
, pp. 69
, Z.
and Liang
, W.
, βEngineering Properties and Zoning of Loess and Loess-Like Soils in China
,β Canadian Geotechnical Journal
β0008-3674, Vol. 19
, 1982
, pp. 76
, A.
, Handbook of Soil Mechanics, Soil Physics
, Vol. 1
, Elsevier
, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
, 1974
, K. S.
and Packard
, R. Q.
, βSome Physical Properties of New Zealand Loess
,β New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology
, Vol. 35
, 1953
, pp. 30
, B. S.
, βRheological Definition of Loess Subsidence
,β Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
, Vol. 1
, 1981
, pp. 65
, P. G.
and Best
, R.
, βConsolidation Characteristics of Some Late Pleistocene Periglacial Metastable Soils of East Kent
,β Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology
β0481-2085, Vol. 2
, 1969
, pp. 103
, J. E.
and Knight
, K.
, βThe Additional Settlement of Foundations Due to Collapse of Sandy Soils on Wetting
,β Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
, Vol. 1
, 1957
, pp. 316
, J. K.
, Fundamentals of Soil Behavior
, John Wiley and Sons
, New York
, 1976
, R. C.
and King
, M. E.
, βPhysical-Chemical Properties and Engineering Performance of Clays
,β Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Clays and Clay Technology
, 1955
, pp. 196
, and Ferrero
, A. R.
, βCollapse Potential of Soils and Soil-Water Chemistry
,β Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
, Vol. 2.2
, 1973
, pp. 177
, G.
, βSubsidence of Loess and Phenomena of Phase Movements in Dunaujvaros
,β Proceedings of the 4th Budapest Conference on Soil Mechanics
, 1971
, pp. 69
, N. Y.
, The Engineering Properties of Loess and Loess Loams
, Gosstroiizdat
, Moscow, USSR
, 1951
, V. A.
, Gruntovedenie-Vtoraic Chast.
, Gosgeolzdat
, Moscow, USSR
, 1952
, H. J.
, βProperties Which Divide Loose and Dense Uncemented Soils
,β Earth Laboratory Report EM-608, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
, 1961
, J.
, βColloidal Activity, Shrinking and Swelling of Some Clays
,β Proceedings of the Soil Mechanics Seminar
, Loda
, 1964
, pp. 531
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