A main goal of noncontacting mechanical seals is to provide minimal leakage during operation. This may be achieved by specifying a small clearance between the mating faces that is just enough to avoid rubbing contact while allowing some tolerable leakage. The amount of leakage flow is reduced through the acceleration and deceleration of the fluid through a tortuous path, so the sealing performance depends on the geometric characteristics of the leakage path. This study focuses on annular hole-pattern seals, which are noncontacting mechanical seals commonly used in high pressure compressors. A design of experiments (DOE) approach is used to investigate the effects of various geometric variables on the leakage rate of a hole-pattern seal during normal operating conditions. The design space, defined by the ranges of hole diameter, hole depth, axial space between holes and number of holes in circumferential direction, is discretized using the simple random sampling method. Then, steady-state computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are performed at each design point to evaluate seal performance. To better understand the sensitivity of the hole-pattern seal leakage rate with respect to design variables selected, response surfaces are built through its values at design points using quadratic polynomial fitting. The results show that the optimal solution had a better leakage control ability over the base model design. It is believed that the results of this study will assist in improving the design of annular hole-pattern seals.
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October 2014
Hole-Pattern Seals Performance Evaluation Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Design of Experiment Techniques
Alexandrina Untaroiu,
Alexandrina Untaroiu
Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering Department,
Rotating Machinery and Controls
(ROMAC) Laboratory,
e-mail: au6d@virginia.edu
Engineering Department,
University of Virginia
,Rotating Machinery and Controls
(ROMAC) Laboratory,
122 Engineer's Way
,Charlottesville, VA 22904-4746
e-mail: au6d@virginia.edu
1Corresponding author.
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Cheng Liu,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Cheng Liu
Beijing Institute of Technology
,School of Mechanical Engineering,
Beijing 100081
, China
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Patrick J. Migliorini,
Patrick J. Migliorini
Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering Department,
Rotating Machinery and Controls
(ROMAC) Laboratory,
Engineering Department,
University of Virginia
,Rotating Machinery and Controls
(ROMAC) Laboratory,
122 Engineer's Way
,Charlottesville, VA 22904-4746
Search for other works by this author on:
Houston G. Wood,
Houston G. Wood
Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering Department,
Rotating Machinery and Controls
(ROMAC) Laboratory,
Engineering Department,
University of Virginia
,Rotating Machinery and Controls
(ROMAC) Laboratory,
122 Engineer's Way
,Charlottesville, VA 22904-4746
Search for other works by this author on:
Costin D. Untaroiu
Costin D. Untaroiu
School of Biomedical Engineering
and Sciences,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and Sciences,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
State University
,Blacksburg, VA 24060
Search for other works by this author on:
Alexandrina Untaroiu
Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering Department,
Rotating Machinery and Controls
(ROMAC) Laboratory,
e-mail: au6d@virginia.edu
Engineering Department,
University of Virginia
,Rotating Machinery and Controls
(ROMAC) Laboratory,
122 Engineer's Way
,Charlottesville, VA 22904-4746
e-mail: au6d@virginia.edu
Cheng Liu
Beijing Institute of Technology
,School of Mechanical Engineering,
Beijing 100081
, China
Patrick J. Migliorini
Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering Department,
Rotating Machinery and Controls
(ROMAC) Laboratory,
Engineering Department,
University of Virginia
,Rotating Machinery and Controls
(ROMAC) Laboratory,
122 Engineer's Way
,Charlottesville, VA 22904-4746
Houston G. Wood
Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering Department,
Rotating Machinery and Controls
(ROMAC) Laboratory,
Engineering Department,
University of Virginia
,Rotating Machinery and Controls
(ROMAC) Laboratory,
122 Engineer's Way
,Charlottesville, VA 22904-4746
Costin D. Untaroiu
School of Biomedical Engineering
and Sciences,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and Sciences,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
State University
,Blacksburg, VA 24060
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Structures and Dynamics Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received February 27, 2014; final manuscript received March 10, 2014; published online May 9, 2014. Editor: David Wisler.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Oct 2014, 136(10): 102501 (7 pages)
Published Online: May 9, 2014
Article history
February 27, 2014
Revision Received:
March 10, 2014
Untaroiu, A., Liu, C., Migliorini, P. J., Wood, H. G., and Untaroiu, C. D. (May 9, 2014). "Hole-Pattern Seals Performance Evaluation Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Design of Experiment Techniques." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. October 2014; 136(10): 102501. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4027217
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