A new type of internal combustion engine and its thermodynamic cycle are introduced. The core of the engine is a nutating nonrotating disk, with the center of its hub mounted in the middle of a Z-shaped shaft. The two ends of the shaft rotate, while the disk nutates. The motion of the disk circumference prescribes a portion of a sphere. A portion of the area of the disk is used for intake and compression, a portion is used to seal against a center casing, and the remaining portion is used for expansion and exhaust. The compressed air is admitted to an external accumulator, and then into an external combustion chamber before it is admitted to the power side of the disk. The accumulator and combustion chamber are kept at constant pressures. The engine has a few analogies with piston-engine operation, but like a gas turbine it has dedicated spaces and devices for compression, burning, and expansion. The thermal efficiency is similar to that of comparably sized simple-cycle gas turbines and piston engines. For the same engine volume and weight, this engine produces less specific power than a simple-cycle gas turbine, but approximately twice the power of a two-stroke engine and four times the power of a four-stroke engine. The engine has advantages in the 10 kW to 200 kW power range. This paper introduces the geometry and thermodynamic model for the engine, presents typical performance curves, and discusses the relative advantages of this engine over its competitors.
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April 2004
Technical Papers
Introduction and Performance Prediction of a Nutating-Disk Engine
T. Korakianitis,
T. Korakianitis
James Watt Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK
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L. Meyer,
L. Meyer
Kinetic R&D, Inc., South Elgin, IL 60117
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M. Boruta,
M. Boruta
Kinetic R&D, Inc., South Elgin, IL 60117
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H. E. McCormick
H. E. McCormick
C-K Engineering, Inc., Ballwin, MO 63011
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T. Korakianitis
James Watt Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK
L. Meyer
Kinetic R&D, Inc., South Elgin, IL 60117
M. Boruta
Kinetic R&D, Inc., South Elgin, IL 60117
H. E. McCormick
C-K Engineering, Inc., Ballwin, MO 63011
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS for publication in the ASME JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Paper presented at the International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Indianapolis, IN, June 7–10, 1999; ASME Paper 99-GT-279. Manuscript received by IGTI, October 1998; final revision received by the ASME Headquarters, March 1999. Associate Editor: D. Wisler.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Apr 2004, 126(2): 294-299 (6 pages)
Published Online: June 7, 2004
Article history
October 1, 1998
March 1, 1999
June 7, 2004
Korakianitis, T., Meyer , L., Boruta, M., and McCormick, H. E. (June 7, 2004). "Introduction and Performance Prediction of a Nutating-Disk Engine ." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. April 2004; 126(2): 294–299. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.1635394
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