The core of any hybrid propulsion system is a high power density, low weight, and fuel efficient electric energy producer. The LV100 recuperated turbine engine is such a system. This engine is well suited to provide electric power efficiently at a volume and weight significantly lower than current systems. Originally designed for vehicular use and environment to drive a Hydrokinetic transmission, the turbine’s high output speed lends itself to incorporate into the engine design an advanced generating device. This LV100 engine-based electric energy producer will provide in excess of 1MW of electric power in a volume of under one cubic meter at a weight of about 2500 pounds at fuel efficiencies comparable to advanced vehicular diesel engines. Recent state-of-the-art improvements in materials and component technology will permit further reductions in volume/weight and increase the system fuel efficiency. The technologies required to reach a volume of under one cubic meter, the system performance projections obtainable by technology upgrades and the program achievements to date are discussed. [S0742-4795(00)03103-3]

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