Continuous emissions monitoring of gas turbine engines in pipeline service have typically been monitored using either laboratory derived instruments (CEMS), or predicted using data from low cost sensors on the engines and algorithms generated by mapping engine performance (PEMS). A new cost-effective system developed under a program sponsored by the Gas Research Institute (Chicago) combines the advantages of both systems to monitor engine emissions in gas transmission service. This hybrid system is a sensor-based analyzer that uses a sensor array, including a newly developed NOx sensor, to directly monitor NOx, CO, and O2 emissions at the stack. The gases are measured hot and wet, The new systems were installed and tested on a gas-fired Rolls Royce Spey turbine engine and on Ingersoll-Rand KVG-410 and Cooper GMVH-10 reciprocating engines in gas transmission service. These systems passed the Relative Accuracy Test (Part B) required under U.S. EPA regulations (40 CFR 60).

Dalla Betta, R. A., Sheridan, D. R., 1994, U.S. Patent 5 314 828, assigned to Catalytica, Inc., May 1994.
Jahnke, J. A., 1993, Continuous Emissions Monitoring, VanNostrand Reinhold, NY, pp. 108–109.
U.S. EPA, 1992, “Specifications and Test Procedures for SO2 and NOx Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems in Stationary Sources,” Code of Federal Regulations, Chap. 1, Title 40, Part 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 2, pp. 1108–1115, 1218–1219.
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