The wake of a turbomachinery rotor-blade is turbulent, highly three-dimensional, and nonisotropic with appreciable curvature in the trailing-edge and near-wake regions. The characteristics of the turbulence vary considerably with radius, blade loading, free-stream turbulence, Reynolds number, and the rotor-blade geometry. This paper is concerned with the turbulence properties of a moderately loaded compressor blade, particularly near the blade trailing-edge. The tangential variation of the axial, tangential and radial intensities and stresses across the wake, as well as their decay characteristics were measured with a tri-axial hot-wire probe in the rotor frame of reference. The decay of intensities and stresses were found to be very rapid in the trailing-edge and near-wake regions and slow in the far-wake region. The effects of inlet-guide-vane and the hub-wall boundary layers on the rotor wake turbulence spectra are also discussed. Similarity rules for the three components of intensity are also derived and presented in this paper.

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