Two groups of offenders, one charged with sex crimes as well as with crimes of larceny, and the other charged with sex crimes only, are compared with respect to their demographic characteristics and their intelligence and diagnostic classification as determined via psychological testing.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
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, A. N.
, Men Who Rape; The Psychology of the Offender
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, H.
, Patterns of Forcible Rape
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, 1971
, S.
and Samenow
, S.
, The Criminal Personality
, Jason Aronson
, New York
, 1967
, J. A.
and Hauer
, A. L.
, “MMPI's of Rapists of Adults, Rapists of Children, and Non-rapist Sex Offenders
,” Journal of Clinical Psychology
, Vol. 34
, No. 2
. 04
, pp. 330
, W. C.
and Lester
, D.
, “Personality Characteristics of Rapists
,” Perceptual Motor Skills
, Vol. 35
, 10
. pp. 514
, H.
and Rosner
, R.
, “Sex Offenders: A Descriptive Analysis of Cases Studied at a Forensic Psychiatry Clinic
,” Journal of Forensic Sciences
, Vol. 25
, No. 1
, 01
, pp. 3
, H.
and Rosner
, R.
, “Sex Offenders: Diagnosis, Organicity, and Intelligence
,” Journal of Forensic Sciences
, Vol. 26
, No. 4
, 10
, pp. 782
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
, 3rd ed., American Psychiatric Association
, Washington, DC
, 1980
Annual Composites
,” Crime Analysis Unit, New York Police Department
, Room 1202, One Police Plaza, New York
, 1973–1979.11.
Annual Report
,” Sex Crimes Analysis Unit, New York Police Department
, 1974
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