Analytical methods for the determination of digoxin in pharmaceutical and autopsy specimens using colorimetry [1], gas liquid chromatography [2ߝ4], fluorometry [1,5], and polarography [6] have been reported. These classic methods, however, suffered from lack of sensitivity and specificity in the therapeutic (1.0 to 1.4 μg/litre) [7] and borderline toxic (2.0 μg/litre or greater) ranges, making detection of this drug possible only when large amounts remained unadsorbed in the stomach or excreted via the kidneys. The introduction of radioimmunoassay in 1969 by Smith et al [7] and Smith and Haber [8] made possible the detection of digoxin in postmortem biological fluids and tissue samples. Radioimmunoassay for the determination of serum digoxin is now the most extensively used radioisotope test in many nuclear laboratories and may be the most commonly requested drug assay by hospital physicians.