During the year 1973 the city of Detroit, Mich. obtained nationwide recognition for its alarmingly high homicide rate. Detroit has a population of 1.5 million, and recorded 751 homicides in 1973. Wayne County, in which Detroit is located, recorded 821 homicides for its population of 2.7 million. Detroit, therefore, constitutes approximately one half of Wayne County on a population basis, but accounted for more than 90% of the homicides in that county in 1973.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
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in Manual of Analytical Toxicology
, I.
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, Cleveland
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, pp. 240
and 302
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, “A Thin-Layer Chromatographic Procedure for Detecting Drug Abuse
,” American Journal of Clinical Pathology
0002-9173, Vol. 50
, 1968
, pp. 714
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