
An efficient and economical railway refrigerator car is one which provides adequate air circulation, adequate protection to the lading, adequate quantity and degree of refrigeration, quick initial cooling, uniform temperature, dry air, space to permit proper methods of loading, and good car construction to minimize maintenance and increase time in service.

The literature of this subject being to some extent scattered, this paper is an attempt to include under one heading some of the most interesting and important facts regarding principles and methods involved in railway-refrigerator-car operation, as well as to present some information regarding the types of cars and methods of construction used by various railways and private-car owners.

The data were collected directly from the railways and private-car owners in an endeavor to sense the general trend of design and construction, and as there are signs on the horizon which indicate a renewed activity in the construction of railway equipment, this information is presented in the hope that it will serve to re-emphasize the great importance to the railways of efficient and well-maintained cars of the refrigerator type.

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