Unlike the Navier boundary condition, this paper deals with the case when the slip of a fluid along the wall may occur only when the shear stress attains certain bound which is given a priori and does not depend on the solution itself. The mathematical model of the velocity–pressure formulation with this type of threshold slip boundary condition is given by the so-called variational inequality of the second kind. For its discretization, we use P1-bubble/P1 mixed finite elements. The resulting algebraic problem leads to the minimization of a nondifferentiable energy function subject to linear equality constraints representing the discrete impermeability and incompressibility condition. To release the former one and to regularize the nonsmooth term characterizing the stick–slip behavior of the algebraic formulation, two additional vectors of Lagrange multipliers are introduced. Further, the velocity vector is eliminated, and the resulting minimization problem for a quadratic function depending on the dual variables (the discrete pressure and the normal and shear stress) is solved by the interior point type method which is briefly described. To justify the threshold model and to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed approach, three physically realistic problems are solved and the results are compared with the ones solving the Stokes problem with the Navier boundary condition.
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January 2017
Modeling of Hydrophobic Surfaces by the Stokes Problem With the Stick–Slip Boundary Conditions
R. Kučera,
R. Kučera
VŠB-TU Ostrava,
17 listopadu 15/2172,
Ostrava-Poruba 708 33, Czech Republic
e-mail: radek.kucera@vsb.cz
VŠB-TU Ostrava,
17 listopadu 15/2172,
Ostrava-Poruba 708 33, Czech Republic
e-mail: radek.kucera@vsb.cz
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V. Šátek,
V. Šátek
VŠB-TU Ostrava,
17 listopadu 15/2172,
Ostrava-Poruba 708 33, Czech Republic
e-mail: vaclav.satek@vsb.cz
VŠB-TU Ostrava,
17 listopadu 15/2172,
Ostrava-Poruba 708 33, Czech Republic
e-mail: vaclav.satek@vsb.cz
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S. Fialová,
S. Fialová
Victor Kaplan Department of Fluid Engineering,
Brno University of Technology,
Technická 2896/2,
Brno 616 69, Czech Republic
e-mail: fialova@fme.vutbr.cz
Brno University of Technology,
Technická 2896/2,
Brno 616 69, Czech Republic
e-mail: fialova@fme.vutbr.cz
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F. Pochylý
F. Pochylý
Victor Kaplan Department of Fluid Engineering,
Brno University of Technology,
Technická 2896/2,
Brno 616 69, Czech Republic
e-mail: pochyly@fme.vutbr.cz
Brno University of Technology,
Technická 2896/2,
Brno 616 69, Czech Republic
e-mail: pochyly@fme.vutbr.cz
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R. Kučera
VŠB-TU Ostrava,
17 listopadu 15/2172,
Ostrava-Poruba 708 33, Czech Republic
e-mail: radek.kucera@vsb.cz
VŠB-TU Ostrava,
17 listopadu 15/2172,
Ostrava-Poruba 708 33, Czech Republic
e-mail: radek.kucera@vsb.cz
V. Šátek
VŠB-TU Ostrava,
17 listopadu 15/2172,
Ostrava-Poruba 708 33, Czech Republic
e-mail: vaclav.satek@vsb.cz
VŠB-TU Ostrava,
17 listopadu 15/2172,
Ostrava-Poruba 708 33, Czech Republic
e-mail: vaclav.satek@vsb.cz
J. Haslinger
S. Fialová
Victor Kaplan Department of Fluid Engineering,
Brno University of Technology,
Technická 2896/2,
Brno 616 69, Czech Republic
e-mail: fialova@fme.vutbr.cz
Brno University of Technology,
Technická 2896/2,
Brno 616 69, Czech Republic
e-mail: fialova@fme.vutbr.cz
F. Pochylý
Victor Kaplan Department of Fluid Engineering,
Brno University of Technology,
Technická 2896/2,
Brno 616 69, Czech Republic
e-mail: pochyly@fme.vutbr.cz
Brno University of Technology,
Technická 2896/2,
Brno 616 69, Czech Republic
e-mail: pochyly@fme.vutbr.cz
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received February 3, 2016; final manuscript received July 12, 2016; published online October 10, 2016. Assoc. Editor: Matevz Dular.
J. Fluids Eng. Jan 2017, 139(1): 011202 (9 pages)
Published Online: October 10, 2016
Article history
February 3, 2016
July 12, 2016
Kučera, R., Šátek, V., Haslinger, J., Fialová, S., and Pochylý, F. (October 10, 2016). "Modeling of Hydrophobic Surfaces by the Stokes Problem With the Stick–Slip Boundary Conditions." ASME. J. Fluids Eng. January 2017; 139(1): 011202. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4034199
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