The United States military has undergone numerous changes since the end of the Cold War. Specifically, the U.S. Navy experienced a shift in the area of engagement from the “blue water” (water depth greater than 100m) to littoral regions of the world. The sea mines become the big threat in the naval operations. Within the past 15years three U.S. ships, the USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG-58), Tripoli (LPH-10), and Princeton (CG-59) have fallen victim to mines. The total ship damage was $125 million while the mines cost approximately $30 ,000 (1).

Let (x,y) be the horizontal coordinates and z the vertical coordinate. A two-dimensional model (called IMPACT28) was developed to predict the mine’s movement in the (x,z) cross section (2). The model contains two momentum equations (in x and z directions) and one moment...

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