Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Fluids Engineering Division July 15, 2003; revised manuscript received September 13, 2004. Review conducted by Y. Tsujimoto.
Hydraulic and pneumatic fluid transmission lines are often internal components within a total dynamic system to be analyzed by time domain simulation. This paper introduces a new and simple approach utilizing MATLAB® computational tools for including the model for the line fluid transients in the model for the overall system. The fluid transients in the lines are based on a laminar flow distributed parameter model, which includes nonlinear frequency dependent viscous friction terms as well as heat transfer effects in gas lines.
Time domain simulation of a system containing fluid line transients is quite complex if the transfer functions for the fluid transients consist of hyperbolic Bessel functions, which is the case for...