The paper which I authored is mentioned first by Prof. Nield [1]. I would like to make some preliminary comments about that citing in the paper by Nield, because the length of a paper which is presented to a conference like the 3rd ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference in 1999, is usually restricted to 6 pages. That is the reason we could not include discussion or critics of other studies, but focused primarily on our results.
Issue Section:
Technical Papers
Travkin, V. S., Hu, K., and Catton, I., 1999, “Turbulent Kinetic Energy and Dissipation Rate Equation Models for Momentum Transport in Porous Media,” Proc. 3rd ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conf., FEDSM99-7275, San Francisco.
, B. V.
, and Lage
, J. L.
, 1997
, “A General Two-Euqation Macroscopic Turbulence Model for Incompressible Flow in Porous Media
,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transf.
, 40
, pp. 3013
Shcherban, A. N., Primak, A. V., and Travkin, V. S., 1986, “Mathematical Models of Flow and Mass Transfer in Urban Roughness Layer,” Problemy Kontrolya i Zaschita Atmosfery ot Zagryazeniya, No. 12, pp. 3–10 (in Russian).
Primak, A. V., Shcherban, A. N., and Travkin, V. S., 1986, “Turbulent Transfer in Urban Agglomerations on the Basis of Experimental Statistical Models of Roughness Layer Morphological Properties,” Trans. World Meteorological Organization Conf. on Air Pollution Modeling and its Application, Geneva, 2, pp. 259–266.
Gratton, L., Travkin, V. S., and Catton, I., 1994, “Numerical Solution of Turbulent Heat and Mass Transfer in a Stratified Geostatistical Porous Layer for High Permeability Media,” ASME Paper 94-WA-HT-41, 1994.
Travkin, V. S., Gratton, L., and Catton, L., 1995, “Modeling Technique for Closure of Transport Equations in Non-regular Globular and Capillary Porous Medium Morphology,” Procs. A.S.M.E./J.S.M.E. Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Maui, Hawaii, Vol. 3, pp. 319–326.
Catton, I. and Travkin, V. S., 1997, “Homogeneous and Non-Local Heterogeneous Transport Phenomena with VAT Application Analysis,” Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Energy Engineering Sciences, Argonne National Laboratory, Conf.-9705121, pp. 48–55.
Travkin, V. S., and Catton, I., 1994, “Turbulent Transport of Momentum, Heat and Mass in a Two-Level Highly Porous Media,” Heat Transfer 1994, Proceedings of the Tenth International Heat Transfer Conference, Brighton, U.K., 5, pp. 399–404.
, V. S.
, and Catton
, I.
, 1998
, “Porous Media Transport Descriptions-Non-Local, Linear and Nonlinear Against Effective Thermal/Fluid Properties
,” Adv. Colloid Interface Sci.
, 76–77
, pp. 389
Travkin, V. S. and I. Catton, 1999, “Compact Heat Exchanger Optimization Tools Based on Volume Averaging Theory,” Proc. 33rd ASME NHTC, NHTC99-246. ASME, New Mexico.
Travkin, V. S. and Catton, I., Hu, K., Ponomarenko, A. T., and Shevchenko, V. G., 1999, “Transport Phenomena in Heterogeneous Media: Experimental Data Reduction and Analysis,” Proc. ASME, AMD-233, 233, pp. 21–31.
Hu, K., Travkin, V. S., and Catton, I., 2001, “Two Scale Hierarchical Network Model of Heat and Momentum Transport in Porous Media,” Proc. 35th National Heat Transfer Conference (2001 NHTC), ASME.
Travkin, V. S. and Catton, I., 1992, “Models of Turbulent Thermal Diffusivity and Transfer Coefficients for a Regular Packed Bed of Spheres,” Fundamentals of Heat Transfer in Porous Media, ASME HTD, Vol. 193, pp. 15–23.
, L.
, Travkin
, V. S.
, and Catton
, I.
, 1996
, “The Influence of Morphology upon Two-Temperature Statements for Convective Transport in Porous Media
,” Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer
, 3
, pp. 129
Catton, I., and Travkin, V. S., 1996, “Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in High Permeability Porous Media,” Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Porous Media and Their Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry, K. Vafai and P. N. Shivakumar, eds., Engin. Foundation and Inst. Industr. Math. Sciences, pp. 333–391.
Travkin, V. S., Gratton, L., and Catton, I., 1994, “A Morphological-Approach for Two-Phase Porous Medium-Transport and Optimum Design Applications in Energy Engineering,” Proceedings of the Twelfth Symposium on Energy Engineering Sciences, Argonne National Laboratory, Conf.-9404137, pp. 48–55.
Travkin, V. S., Catton, I., and Hu, K., 1998, “Channel Flow In Porous Media In The Limit As Porosity Approaches Unity,” Proc. ASME HTD, Vol. 361-1, pp. 277–284.
Rizzi, M., Canino, M., Hu, K., Jones, S., Travkin, V. S., and Catton, I., (2001), “Experimental Investigation of Pin Fin Heat Sink Effectiveness,” accepted to the 35th ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, 2001.
Travkin, V. S., and Catton, I., 1999, “Critique of Theoretical Models of Transport Phenomena in Heterogeneous Media,” invited presentation given at the 3rd ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conf.-FEDSM99-7922, San Francisco.
Kuwahara, F. and Nakayama, A., 1998, “Numerical Modeling of Non-Darcy Convective Flow in a Porous Medium,” Proc. 11th Int. Heat Transfer Conf. 1998, Vol. 4, pp. 411–416.
Monin, A. S. and Yaglom, A. M., 1965, Statistical Hydromechanics. Mechanics of Turbulence, Moscow, Nauka, (in Russian).
, A.
, and Kuwahara
, F.
, 1999
, “A Macroscopic Turbulence Model for Flow in a Porous Medium
,” ASME J. Fluids Eng.
, 121
, pp. 427
, T.
, and Takatsu
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, 1996
, “Turbulence Model for Flow through Porous Media
,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transf.
, 39
, pp. 2803
, V. S.
, and Catton
, I.
, 1999
, “Nonlinear Effects in Multiple Regime Transport of Momentum in Longitudinal Capillary Porous Medium Morphology
,” J. Porous Media
, 2
, pp. 277
, V. S.
, and Catton
, I.
, 1995
, “A Two-Temperature Model for Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in a Porous Layer
,” ASME J. Fluids Eng.
, 117
, pp. 181
Travkin, V. S., Catton, I., and Hu, K., 2000, “Optimization of Heat Transfer Effectiveness in Heterogeneous Media,” Proc. of the Eighteenth Symposium on Energy Engineering Sciences, Argonne National Laboratory, 2000.
Travkin, V. S., Hu, K., and Catton, I., 2001, “Multi-variant Optimization in Semiconductor Heat Sink Design,” accepted to the ASME-NHTC’2001.
, V. S.
, and Catton
, I.
, 2001
, “Transport Phenomena in Heterogeneous Media Based on Volume Averaging Theory
,” Adv. Heat Transfer
, 34
, pp. 1
.Copyright © 2001
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