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Thermoactive Foundations for Sustainable Buildings

J. McCartney
J. McCartney
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M. Krarti
M. Krarti
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B.C. Kwag
B.C. Kwag
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A. Bouazza
A. Bouazza
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
Publication date:

This monograph documents the current of state-of-art in Thermo-Active Foundations (TAFs) suitable for efficiently and sustainably heat and cooling buildings. TAFs, also referred to as thermal or energy piles, offer innovative and sustainable alternatives to ground-source heat pumps as well as other conventional heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to heat and cool commercial as well as residential buildings in several regions in the world. In summary, this monograph collects the latest multi-disciplinary advances in modeling, designing, and monitoring TAFs. Ultimately, it is hoped that this monograph will provide a comprehensive reference for both researchers and professionals interested in structural and thermal performance of TAFs and their applications in developing integrated and sustainable equipment and systems for the built environment.

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