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Guidebook for Waste and Soil Remediation: For Nonhazardous Petroleum and Salt Contaminated Sites
George Holliday
George Holliday
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Lloyd Deuel
Lloyd Deuel
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ASME Press
Publication date:

Waste sampling is a vitally necessary first step toward site assessment successful site remediation. Improperly sampled sites provide unacceptable data on which to base remediation procedures. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss sampling tools, locations and protocols that will provide needed and accurate evaluation of the site.

The chapter does not address health and safety issues. Normally, these issues would be included in the operator's health and safety plan. However, note there is a potential for both chemical and physical health hazards during pit sampling activities. The extent of these hazards will vary from site to site and are minimized by using mechanical processes where possible; personnel training in safe work practices and limiting exposure to chemicals that impact health.

Being aware and taking personal responsibility for your safety is the best safeguard against physical health hazards. Similarly, attention to personal hygiene is a necessary safeguard against chemical assaults one might normally expect during pit closures. Chemical splashes and other dermal contact need to be mitigated as soon after an insult as possible. The recommended personal hygiene program includes:

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Site Investigation
4.2.1 Sampling and Testing
4.2.2 General Guidelines
4.2.3 Sample Containers
4.2.4 Sample Labeling
4.2.5 Sample Preservation
4.3 Equipment Decontamination
4.4 Sample Collection
4.4.1 Sampling Water
4.5 Solids∕Sludge Sampling Protocol
4.5.1 Sampling Solids
4.6 Compositing Samples
4.7 Field Quality Assurance
4.8 Field Notebook
4.9 Trip Blank
4.10 Split Samples
4.11 Electromagnetic Induction (EM) Surverys for Large Volume Impacts
4.12 Site Investigation
4.12.1 Grid Layout
4.12.2 Soil Sampling and Analysis
4.12.3 Statistical Analyses
4.12.4 Results
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