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Guidebook for Waste and Soil Remediation: For Nonhazardous Petroleum and Salt Contaminated Sites

George Holliday
George Holliday
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Lloyd Deuel
Lloyd Deuel
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
Publication date:

This book is a valuable guide for engineers and remediation professionals involved with the day-to-day management of petroleum and other industry operations. The authors develop the concept of limiting constituents, spill remediation and waste disposal on site. The book is a how-to compendium for engineers and remediation professionals involved in treatment, restoration and disposal of “Non-Hazardous∕Non-nuclear” wastes and∕or impacted soil.

This book contains techniques, data and recommendations for “how clean is clean”. The book is the result of 20 years of laboratory research and field experience on matters related to petroleum exploration and production (E&P) pit use, wastes, on site closure, spill remediation and disposal of non-hazardous waste (NOW).

Table of Contents

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