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Everyday Heat Transfer Problems: Sensitivities to Governing Variables
M. Kemal Atesmen
M. Kemal Atesmen
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ASME Press
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Heat generated in pipes or in orifices due to fluid friction in high-viscosity fluids can be substantial. In the present analysis, the heat generated in steady-state and fully developed pipe flows is investigated for fluids of different viscosities. The pressure drop in a pipe due to fluid friction, ΔP, is generally defined as the product of the fluid friction factor, f, non-dimensional length of the pipe, L∕D, and kinetic energy of the fluid, pVm2∕2, flowing in it.

Eq. (19-1) has been determined by dimensional analysis (see Reference [15]). The friction factor is a function of Reynolds number, ReD = pVmD∕μ and pipe inner surface roughness, e∕D. The friction factors, f, for fully developed pipe flows have been obtained experimentally for different Reynolds numbers and pipe inner surface roughness conditions, and they are given in References [6] and [10] as graphs, called Moody Diagrams, or as empirical equations.

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