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Everyday Heat Transfer Problems: Sensitivities to Governing Variables
M. Kemal Atesmen
M. Kemal Atesmen
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ASME Press
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Conduction heat transfer in printed circuit boards (PCBs) has been studied extensively in literature i.e., B. Guenin [4]. The layered structure of a printed circuit board is treated using two different thermal conductivities; one is in-plane thermal conductivity and the other is through-thickness thermal conductivity. One-dimensional conduction heat transfers in in-plane direction and through-thickness direction are treated independently. Since the significant portion of the conduction heat transfer in a PCB occurs in the in-plane direction in the conductor layers, this is a valid assumption. Under steady-state conditions and with constant thermophysical properties, the in-plane (i-p) conduction heat transfer equation for a PCB can be written as:
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