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Handbook on Stiffness & Damping in Mechanical Design
Eugene I. Rivin
Eugene I. Rivin
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ASME Press
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When two solid blocks are in contact, their actual area of contact is generally very small. When non-conforming solid blocks with substantially different local curvature radii in the contact area are compressed together (such as spheres, cylinders, toruses contacting with flat surfaces, etc.), the initial contact area is small (ideally a point or a line) because of their geometry (Fig. 4.1.1a, b). Analysis of contact deformations between streamlined parts with initial point or line contact area can be performed using analytical formulas derived with rather broad assumptions. Some important issues related to contacts between non-conforming surfaces, including analytical expressions for contact deformations for some important cases, are addressed in Section 4.2.

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Contact Deformations Between Non-Conforming Surfaces
4.3 Contact Deformations Between Conforming and Quasi-Comforming Surfaces
4.4 Contact Stiffness in Structural Analysis
4.5 Quasi-Conforming Contact Deformations in Cylindrical/Conical Connections
4.5.1 Cylindrical Connections
4.5.1a Connections with Clearance Fits
4.5.1b Interference-Fit Cylindrical Connections
4.5.2 Elastic Displacements in Conical (Tapered) Connections
4.5.2a Test Data
4.5.2b Computational Evaluation of Contact Deformations in Tapered Connections
4.5.2c Influence of Manufacturing Errors
4.5.2d Finite Element Modeling of 7/24 Taper Connection
4.5.2e Short Taper Connections
4.5.2f Some General Comments on Tapered Connections
4.6 Tangential Contact Compliance
4.6.1 Experimental Study of Tangential Compliance of Flat Joints
4.6.2 Dynamic Model of Tangential Compliance and Damping
4.7 Practical Case: Study of a Modular Tooling System
4.8 Damping of Mechanical Contacts
4.8.1 Damping in Flat Joints
4.8.2 Damping in Cylindrical and Tapered Connections
4.8.3 Energy Dissipation in Power Transmission Components
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