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Energy and Power Generation Handbook: Established and Emerging Technologies
K. R. Rao
K. R. Rao
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ASME Press
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Chapter 32 discusses a variety of nano-coatings and materials used in the energy and power generation fields. Nano-coatings, nano-composite coatings, nano-layered coatings, functional graded coatings, and multifunctional coatings will be presented. These coatings can be deposited by a wide range of methods and techniques including physical vapor deposition processes (PVD) such as cathodic arc, sputtering, and electron beam evaporation as well as chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and thermal spray. The various types of nano-coatings and their roles in assisting to generate energy and power for the fuel cell, solar cell, wind turbine, coal, and nuclear industries will also be discussed. This chapter provides a brief description of how the past and present state-of-the-art nano-technology within the different industrial areas such as the turbine, nuclear, fuel cell, solar cell, and coal industries is used to improve efficiency and performance. Challenges facing these industries as pertaining to nano-technology and how nano-technology will aid in the improved performance within these industries will also be discussed. The role of coating constitution and microstructure including grain size, morphology, density, and design architecture will also be presented with regards to the science and relationship with processing-structure-performance relationships. This chapter will conclude with a summary of the future role of nano-technology and nano-coatings and materials in the fields of power generation and energy.

32.1 Introduction
32.2 Current State-of-the-art
32.3 Solar Cell
32.4 Up-conversion Technology and Nano-structured Materials
32.5 Fuel Cell Technologies
32.6 Wind Energy
32.7 Turbine
32.8 Chemical Reaction and Mineralization
32.9 Impact of Nano-structured Materials and Coatings and their Future in Energy
32.10 Hard Coatings for Improved Wear Resistance
32.11 Nano-structured Configuration, Strategy and Conceptual Design
32.12 Coherent, Semi-coherent, Incoherent Interfaces
32.13 Lattice Mismatch
32.14 Challenges
32.15 Coating Materials Selection
32.16 Approach in Applying Coatings
32.17 Microstructure and Property Enhancement
32.18 Time-dependent Deformation (Creep)
32.19 The Future of Nano-materials and Coatings
32.20 Acronyms
32.21 References
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