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A Quick Guide to API 510 Certified Pressure Vessel Inspector Syllabus
Clifford Matthews
Clifford Matthews
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ASME Press
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ASME VIII-I Rules for the Construction of Pressure Vessels is a long-established part of the API 510 syllabus (or ‘body of knowledge’ as they call it). Strictly, it is concerned only with the new construction of unfired vessels (i.e. not boilers or fired heat exchangers) and so contains no reference in it at all to what happens to vessels after they are put into service.

Now you see the problem; the API 510 syllabus is almost the antidote to ASME VIII in that its role is to give guidance of what to do with vessels that have been in service for some time. In doing this it has to deal with vessels that may be corroded, have been re-rated or in some way are not the same as when they were new.

9.1 The role of ASME VIII in the API 510 syllabus
9.2 How much of ASME VIII is in the API 510 syllabus?
9.3 ASME VIII clause numbering
9.4 Shell calculations: internal pressure
9.5 Head calculations: internal pressure
9.6 Set 1: shells/heads under internal pressure familiarization questions
9.7 ASME VIII: MAWP and pressure testing
9.8 Set 2: MAWP and pressure testing familiarization questions
9.9 External pressure shell calculations
9.10 Set 3: vessels under external pressure familiarization questions
9.11 Nozzle design
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