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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, 3rd (ICFCC 2011)
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ASME Press
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Entered into Dan Voiculescu's chronological catalogue among the last finalized titles (July, 2009), Fantasia e Fuga sulle pedale per organo requires a simultaneous analytical reading, both from the perspective of the Baroque and modernity, being built upon a vectorial algebra of the music intervals employed. The stylistic bivalence of the entire piece is also reflected in the type of grammars used in modeling this novel opus; while the author applies a traditional grammar for the form shaping, by designing the discourse according to an early Baroque formula, he resorts to a generative grammar, typical for 20th century music, for the elaboration of the content. The two levels of the text — the Baroque and the modern - overlap in a harmonious fusion and prove that the author rarely departs from an adherence to strict contrapuntal principles. The stylistic cross product is obtained by shaping the topography of the piece using the interval algorithms as a key parameter.

Key Words
1. Fantasia e Fuga sulle pedale, between Baroque and Modernity
2. Morphological and Stylistical Aspects
3. The Impact of the Morphologic Algebra over the Macrostructure
4. Conclusion
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