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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, 3rd (ICFCC 2011)
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ASME Press
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The protocol Secure Sockets Layer uses a combination of symmetrical and symmetrical encryptions. As we know, encryption with symmetrical keys is more rapid than the one with public keys, the latter offering, however, a much better method of authentication. The protocol Secure Sockets Layer-handshake allows the authentication client-server and the cooperation between parties for the creation of symmetrical keys used for encryption and decryption.

This work proposes the replacement of classical techniques of client-server authentication by a quantum one, which is not vulnerable to the cybernetic attacks, and which solves the problem of Secure Sockets Layer protocol security. Assuring a correct authentication determines giving up the long row of authentication certifications used in the classical case in order to remove the existent suspicions before starting the communication process.

Key Words
1. Introduction
2. Secure Socket Layer — Handshake Protocol Overview
3. Secure Socket Layer — Handshake Protocol, Quantum Version
4. Conclusions
5. Acknowledgement
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