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Power Boilers: A Guide to the Section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Second Edition
John R. MacKay
John R. MacKay
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James T. Pillow
James T. Pillow
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
Publication date:

Section I is a set of rules for the construction of boilers. These rules are not mandatory unless invoked by contract or adopted as law by a governmental entity, usually referred to as a jurisdiction. A jurisdiction can be a state, province, county, or city. If there happen to be no jurisdictional requirements regarding Code coverage, the purchaser of a boiler may specify to the manufacturer construction to Section I rules as a requirement.

Currently, Section I has been adopted by all but one state (Wyoming is the exception) and by all of the provinces of Canada. Wyoming has a pressure vessel law, but has not enacted a boiler law nor developed boiler rules and regulations. Because of Wyoming's relatively sparse population and limited industrial facilities, the legislature apparently does not consider the expense of implementing the law to be justified, since as a practical matter, all boilers in the state probably meet the ASME Code. Seventeen cities, counties and territories also have laws requiring Section I construction.

States and provinces with boiler laws typically enforce the Code by means of an appointed board or commission that writes and revises boiler rules and an appointed chief inspector with the necessary enforcement staff. The jurisdictional authorities also depend on the efforts of Authorized Inspectors working for Authorized Inspection Agencies, whose function is to assure that the boiler manufacturer has complied with Section I. These same jurisdictional authorities also have the responsibility for overseeing the care and operation of boilers once they are completed.

United States and Canada
International Acceptance
Uniform Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws Society
National Board Inspection Code
Effective Dates of the Code and Code Revisions
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