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More Hot Air
Tony Kordyban
Tony Kordyban
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ASME Press
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Test data is supposed to be “truer” than other kinds of information. Sure, it's better to test products than to not test them. But just because a value was measured with the most accurate meter in the world doesn't mean that it is right. The ways of messing up tests and experiments are myriad. The chapters in this section give just a few interesting examples.

Maybe you doubt me. You think that with the properly calibrated machine you can always discover the truth.

They say the camera never lies.

Look at the photo on your driver's license. Is that what you really look like?

Chapter 1.1 The Best Worst Case
Chapter 1.2 Blowing the Rel Test
Chapter 1.3 The Five-Finger Thermometer
Chapter 1.4 T-types Fried My Brain
Chapter 1.5 Permutations and Combinations Add Up to Job Security
Chapter 1.6 Power Confuses, and Variable Power Confuses Absolutely
Chapter 1.7 How to Get Percent Error 100% Wrong
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