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Policy Instruments and Co-Regulation for the Sustainability of Value Chains
S. Ugarte
S. Ugarte
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V. Swinkles
V. Swinkles
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ASME Press
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Many companies do not participate in just one value chain, they are part of multiple value chains. Companies like DSM, DuPont or Bayer for example are purchaser, intermediate supplier and final agents in the value chains of plastics, food, feed and automotive products. Increasingly, purchasing departments are expected to implement sustainability requirements in their procurement processes, keep an eye on the sustainability performance of suppliers over time, guarantee that company policies are respected and consider customer demands. Operationalizing all this simultaneously, in an increasingly international environment, with a continuously changing supplier base, and for several value chains at once, is a big challenge that requires a methodical approach.

Role of the Purchasing Department
A Structured Approach
Recommendations to Development of a Private Approach
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