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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Control Engineering and Mechanical Design (CEMD 2017)
Chao Li
Chao Li
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ASME Press
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With the development of aircraft structure and technology, the coordination accuracy of aircraft manufacturing is becoming more and more stringent. Therefore, it is an inevitable trend to use the digital means to carry out tolerance analysis and realize process optimization. the paper introduces and studies study the deviation analysis and tolerance optimization theory of aircraft component assembly. Based on the software simulation analysis, we can solve the problem of dimension engineering in the actual manufacturing, and optimize the assembly and coordination requirements of winglet. The results show that the application of this theory and technical method improves the process scheme of the winglet and improves the quality of assembly, improves the efficiency of assembly and coordination accuracy analysis, and has certain engineering application value.

Tolerance Analysis Method
Tolerance Analysis of Winglet Assembly
Analysis of Results
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