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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Control Engineering and Mechanical Design (CEMD 2017)
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ASME Press
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eBook Chapter
The Research of Method of Malignant Load Identification based on Wavelet Analysis
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Wei, S, Qin, W, Han, L, & Cheng, F. "The Research of Method of Malignant Load Identification based on Wavelet Analysis." International Conference on Control Engineering and Mechanical Design (CEMD 2017). Ed. Li, C. ASME Press, 2018.
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In recent years, the illegal use of apartment power has caused major disasters, it is of great significance to study the correct identification of illegal electricity and control technology in real time. In this paper, a technology that using wavelet analysis to analyze waveforms of various loads is proposing, through analytical processing with Matlab, the malignant power load and general load can be distinguished, which can get difference between various capacitive, inductive, and resistive load’s waveforms. It is of great importance to campus apartment for automatic recognition of malignant load, and then to prevent campus fires.
Introduction of Wavelet Analysis Theory
Malignant Load Identification Using Meyer Wavelet
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