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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Control Engineering and Mechanical Design (CEMD 2017)
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ASME Press
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eBook Chapter
Wavelet De-noising Algorithm and Application Based on Improved Threshold Function
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Liu, B, Sun, J, Du, R, & Zhao, L. "Wavelet De-noising Algorithm and Application Based on Improved Threshold Function." International Conference on Control Engineering and Mechanical Design (CEMD 2017). Ed. Li, C. ASME Press, 2018.
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The Wavelet Analysis is one of the important analysis ways for the signal processing after Fourier analysis and it has wide applying prospects in the fields of modern science research and technology. This paper gives an improved wavelet threshold de-noising algorithm based on the analysis of the traditional hard and the soft function. This optimal method has better flexibility, higher SNR and smaller MSE than the hard and the soft algorithms through relevant simulation activities which prove the improved function works well.
Analysis of Traditional Wavelet Threshold De-noising
Analysis of Improved Wavelet Threshold De-noising
Simulation and Analysis
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