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Handbook of Integrated and Sustainable Buildings Equipment and Systems, Volume I: Energy Systems

Jorge E. Gonzalez
Jorge E. Gonzalez
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Moncef Krarti
Moncef Krarti
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
Publication date:

This Handbook is a direct result of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) initiative on Integrated/Sustainable Building Equipment and Systems (ISBES), with the objective of filling voids in the literature and motivating advances on integrated mechanical systems for sustainable buildings. The main focus of this Volume I is on integrated energy systems and is organized from the current state of knowledge in areas of energy equipment and building energy modeling tools, to emerging topics in a wide range of areas encompassing combined heat and power, building energy storage systems, and advanced control strategies for mechanical energy systems in buildings. In addition, the integration of renewable energy and passive cooling and heating strategies is particularly addressed, closing with advanced techniques to analyze energy demands at the neighborhood and city scales. The contributors have a diverse set of skills and extensive experience in building engineering. Readers will find the content to be relevant and useful to their practice and insightful to inspire new advances and developments in Energy Systems for Sustainable Buildings.

Table of Contents

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