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Design of Human Powered Vehicles
M. Archibald
M. Archibald
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ASME Press
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Fortunate is the rider whose steed is well-designed, finely tuned, and carefully crafted from quality materials. These machines exhibit a beauty and elegance that transcend the functionality of chains and cogs, wheels and pedals. The muddy wrack of the street is left behind as each pedal stroke is felt as a buoyant surge of acceleration, each twist of the handlebar in a crisp, nimble turn. Imagine cresting a mountain ridge as the early morning sun cuts across the valley, tendrils of mist still clinging to the slopes, plunging down and around switchbacks, tuned to nature, in tune with your swift and sure ride. Such experiences are richer and felt more keenly when the vehicle is carefully designed and crafted. Many of the qualities that make a vehicle stand out are related to materials and, less visibly but no less important, the process used to craft those materials.

Wrought Metals—Overview
Cast Metals—Note
Non-Metal Materials—Overview
Frame Materials and Manufacturing Processes
Stainless Steel
Fiber Reinforced-Polymer Composites
Other Frame Materials
Frame Manufacturing Processes
Other Frame Processes (Monocoque, etc.)
Fairing or Shell Materials
Fairing Hardware
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