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The API ICP Exam Handbook: Complete Guide to Passing the API 510/570/653 ICP Exams
Clifford Matthews
Clifford Matthews
CEng, FIMechE
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All of this short (30-page) document is included in the API 653 BoK. It covers internal lining of tank bottoms to protect against product-side corrosion. Lining is commonplace in both new and existing tanks and there are numerous different types described by manufacturer’s specification data sheets (MSDS), all of which have different advantages and limitations. Problems with linings are commonplace on tanks – mainly related to the integrity and adhesion – particularly over alreadydegraded areas or repairs. It’s therefore a common area of involvement for API 653 tank inspectors so exam questions centre on the problems of lining integrity. Similar to RP 651, closed-book questions are straightforward but open-book ones are trickier, sourced from specific points stated in the RP 652 text. There are a few awkward areas, about the merits of thin- versus thick-film linings. Watch out also for multiple references to other published codes such as National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE), Society of Protective Coatings (SSPC) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (for openbook questions).

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