39 ASME Section III Division 4 Fusion Energy Devices Code Rules
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The specific application of fusion for the future is power generation since, via appropriate plant design, fusion offers the potential to be a clean alternative to nuclear fission. This chapter provides insight into the current and new approaches for fusion energy being used today. These include experimental facilities, new fusion construction projects, and the next-generation fusion facilities. Within the ASME Section III organizational structure there is a Sub-Group “Fusion Energy Devices” (FED), whose charter is to develop the rules for the construction of fusion components. The fusion code rule development is focused on two basic Fusion Device Concepts: Magnetic Confinement Fusion (MCF) (the Tokamak) and Inertial Confinement Fusion, which is primarily laser fusion. The major systems that can make up a typical Tokamak system may include magnets (TF coils, PF coils, central solenoid coils, corrections coils, etc.), target chamber, vacuum vessel, in-vessel coil systems, in-vessel components (such as blanket, divertor, etc.), cryostat, vacuum vessel (VV) over-pressure suppression system, thermal shields, and machine support structure. In order to efficiently develop these new fusion code rules, a Division 4 Fusion Energy Device Roadmap was developed to guide in the development of these Fusion Energy Device Code Rules. This roadmap will help focus committee resources on all areas of the proposed new rules for development, as well as providing project management to this development effort. A phased approach is being used to develop the FED Codes Rules, which includes activities related to developing the direction and concepts for the new Section III, Division 4 Code Rules.