Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Codes, Volume 2, Sixth Edition
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23 Section VIII, Division 3—Alternative Rules for Construction of High-Pressure VesselsByJ. Robert Sims, Jr.,J. Robert Sims, Jr.
Mr. Sims is an Eminent Fellow with Becht Engineering Co., Inc. He is a recognized authority in risk-based technologies, high pressure equipment, mechanical integrity evaluation of existing equipment and Fitness-For-Service analysis. Mr. Sims is an ASME Past President and a past member of the ASME Board of Governors. Also, he is past chairman and a current member of the ASME Subgroup on High Pressure vessels
Search for other works by this author on:S. Michael CoochS. Michael CoochMr. Cooch is a Senior Engineering Advisor with Becht Engineering Co., Inc. He has over twenty years of experience in mechanical integrity, design, and Fitness-for-Service analysis of pressure equipment for the petroleum refining, chemical manufacturing, and fossil power industries.
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24 Safety of Personnel Using Quick-Actuating Closures on Pressure Vessels and Associated Litigation IssuesByRoger F. ReedyRoger F. Reedy
Roger F. Reedy is a civil engineer whose experience includes time in US Navy Civil Engineer Corps for seven years and working for a construction company for more than 20 years. Although he is a structural engineer, he has been a member of the ASME Boiler Code Committee for more than 50 years, and spent 15 years as Chair of the Section III Committee. He was also one of the founding members of the ASME Pressure Vessel & Piping Division. He is a recipient of the ASME Bernard F. Langer Award and is a Life Fellow of ASME. Further, he has participated in about 50 lawsuits as an expert witness. Mr. Reedy is now retired, but is a Contributing Member of ASME Nuclear Code Committee.Search for other works by this author on: -
35 ASME Piping Code: B31.1, Power PipingByJimmy E. Meyer,Jimmy E. Meyer
Jim Meyer is a principal engineer for CDM Smith, in addition he frequently teaches ASME B31 Pressure Piping courses all over the world for ASME. He has a BSME from Akron University and has been in the working in the piping industry since 1973. His experiences are in Refinery, Chemical, Coal and Nuclear Power and Cryogenic Piping Systems.Search for other works by this author on:Kristi A. Vilminot,Kristi A. VilminotMrs. Kristi Vilminot is the Director of Engineering Power Generation and Energy/System Studies and the Director of Project Management at Commonwealth Associates Inc. Kristi has over 28 years of experience in power engineering with an emphasis on critical system piping design across all fuel types. Project types have included coal plants, combined and simple cycle plant, biomass plants and institutional power generation. Kristi has been a member of ASME B31.1 Code Committee for 20 years and has served as Vice Chairman of ASME B31.1 and Chairman of the Design Subgroup. Kristi is currently Vice Chair of ASME B31 Standards Committee.Search for other works by this author on: -
36 ASME Piping Codes: B31.3 Process, B31.5 Refrigeration, B31.9 Building Services and ASME Standards for Piping: B31E Seismic Design, B31J Stress I-Factors, B31T Toughness RequirementsByJimmy E. Meyer,Jimmy E. Meyer
Jim Meyer is a principal engineer for CDM Smith, in addition he frequently teaches ASME B31 Pressure Piping courses all over the world for ASME. He has a BSME from Akron University and has been in the working in the piping industry since 1973. His experiences are in Refinery, Chemical, Coal and Nuclear Power and Cryogenic Piping Systems.Search for other works by this author on:Kristi A. VilminotKristi A. VilminotMrs. Kristi Vilminot is the Director of Engineering Power Generation and Energy/System Studies and the Director of Project Management at Commonwealth Associates Inc. Kristi has over 28 years of experience in power engineering with an emphasis on critical system piping design across all fuel types. Project types have included coal plants, combined and simple cycle plant, biomass plants and institutional power generation. Kristi has been a member of ASME B31.1 Code Committee for 20 years and has served as Vice Chairman of ASME B31.1 and Chairman of the Design Subgroup. Kristi is currently Vice Chair of ASME B31 Standards Committee.Search for other works by this author on: