Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Codes, Volume 1, Sixth Edition
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction to Power BoilersByEd Ortman,Ed Ortman
Mr. Ortman earned a BSME from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and is currently employed by GE Power. Ed has over 30 years in the power industry, much of which has focused on boiler pressure parts and piping and the application of the associated international codes and standards. Ed is a member of the Committee on Power Boilers (BPV I) as well as some of its subordinate committees.Search for other works by this author on: -
2 Section VII—Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power BoilersByWilliam L. LowryWilliam L. Lowry
Versatile engineer with 20 years' experience in the power industry, with accomplishments in the design and analysis of package boilers, HRSG's, sub and super-critical utility boilers, and CFB's. Most recently with a focus on structural integrity and life expectancy. An ASME volunteer for 11 years
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4 A Commentary for Understanding and Applying the Principles of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel CodeByRoger F. ReedyRoger F. Reedy
Roger F. Reedy is a civil engineer whose experience includes time in US Navy Civil Engineer Corps for seven years and working for a construction company for more than 20 years. Although he is a structural engineer, he has been a member of the ASME Boiler Code Committee for more than 50 years, and spent 15 years as Chair of the Section III Committee. He was also one of the founding members of the ASME Pressure Vessel & Piping Division. He is a recipient of the ASME Bernard F. Langer Award and is a Life Fellow of ASME. Further, he has participated in about 50 lawsuits as an expert witness. Mr. Reedy is now retired, but is a Contributing Member of ASME Nuclear Code Committee.Search for other works by this author on: -
5 Subsection NCA—General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2ByJason Lambin,Jason Lambin
Jason Lambin is a Registered Professional Engineer in the state of Illinois and has worked for Crane Nuclear since 2009. In that time, he has supported the design and manufacture of valves, primarily made to ASME Section III for nuclear power plants. Jason first began participating in ASME committees in 2013, initially with the QME-1 subcommittee on valves and then with the Section III working group on valves. Prior to 2009, he worked for UOP / Honeywell designing pressure vessels and large diameter piping to ASME Section VIII and B31.3 for the oil refining & petrochemical industries.Search for other works by this author on: -
7 Section III: Subsections NC and ND—Class 2 and 3 ComponentsByJason LambinJason Lambin
Jason Lambin is a Registered Professional Engineer in the state of Illinois and has worked for Crane Nuclear since 2009. In that time, he has supported the design and manufacture of valves, primarily made to ASME Section III for nuclear power plants. Jason first began participating in ASME committees in 2013, initially with the QME-1 subcommittee on valves and then with the Section III working group on valves. Prior to 2009, he worked for UOP / Honeywell designing pressure vessels and large diameter piping to ASME Section VIII and B31.3 for the oil refining & petrochemical industries
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8 Subsection NB, NC, ND-3600 PipingByMark A. Gray,Mark A. Gray
Mark Gray holds a Master of Mechanical Engineering degree and a Nuclear Engineering certificate from the University of Pittsburgh. He is a Fellow Engineer with Westinghouse Electric Company near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, employed there since 1981. His work areas have included piping and component stress and fatigue analyses, industry issues such as thermal stratification and environmentally assisted fatigue, and fatigue aging management and monitoring. He has authored over twenty conference papers or journal articles, and numerous industry reports.Search for other works by this author on: -
9 Subsection NE—Class MC ComponentsByRoger F. ReedyRoger F. Reedy
Roger F. Reedy is a civil engineer whose experience includes time in US Navy Civil Engineer Corps for seven years and working for a construction company for more than 20 years. Although he is a structural engineer, he has been a member of the ASME Boiler Code Committee for more than 50 years, and spent 15 years as Chair of the Section III Committee. He was also one of the founding members of the ASME Pressure Vessel & Piping Division. He is a recipient of the ASME Bernard F. Langer Award and is a Life Fellow of ASME. Further, he has participated in about 50 lawsuits as an expert witness. Mr. Reedy is now retired, but is a Contributing Member of ASME Nuclear Code Committee.Search for other works by this author on: -
11 Subsection NG—Core Support StructuresByDavid KeckDavid Keck
David Keck is a Principal Engineer in Reactor Internals Design at GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy. He joined GE in 1994. Mr. Keck has over 35 years experience in the design and fabrication of welded components. He participates in maintenance, repair and replacement activities involving tooling, reactor internals and other plant components. Mr. Keck was the lead design engineer for ESBWR reactor and internals and currently supports new plant design. He participates in the design and fabrication of fuel components and welding of new accident tolerant fuel cladding.Mr. Keck received his BSWE (Welding Engineering) and MSWE from The Ohio State University and is a member of the American Welding Society. He is a registered professional engineer in Ohio. Mr. Keck has several patents for reactor and internal design. He is currently Chairman of ASME BPV Code Section III Working Group on Core Support Structures.
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13 Nuclear PumpsByRoss R. Klein,Ross R. Klein
Ross R. Klein is the Engineering Director for Curtiss-Wright Corporation in Cheswick, PA.Search for other works by this author on:John V. GreggJohn V. GreggMr. Gregg graduated from Pennsylvania State University with a BSME in 1993. He is a graduate of the United States Naval Nuclear Power School and is a Registered Professional Engineer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He is a member of Subgroup on Design Methods (SC-D)(BPV III) and is Secretary of Working Group on Pumps (SG-CD)(BPV III). Mr. Gregg has more than twenty years of experience in the design and analysis of commercial and naval nuclear power plant components. He is currently the manager of the Stress & Thermal Analysis group at Curtiss-Wright Corporation in Cheswick, PA. Prior to joining Curtiss-Wright, Mr. Gregg was a Principal Engineer at Westinghouse Electric Company in Cranberry, PA where he performed stress analysis and fracture mechanics on reactor vessels, steam generators and other commercial power plant components. Mr. Gregg began his career at Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory in West Mifflin, PA where he performed stress analysis on naval power plant components.Search for other works by this author on: -
15 Code for Concrete ContainmentsByArthur C. Eberhardt,Arthur C. Eberhardt
Arthur Eberhardt received his Ph.D. degree in Structural Engineering from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, in 1972. He is a senior structural consultant to Sargent & Lundy, LLC in Chicago, Illinois. His areas of specialty include design of concrete containments and other concrete and steel nuclear plant structures. He has worked on projects associated with more than 14 nuclear power plants. Dr. Eberhardt has served on ASME B&PV Code Committees for more than 27 years. He is Past Chair of the Joint ACIASME Committee on Concrete Components for Nuclear Service (also known as ACI Committee 359), which is responsible for the ASME Section III, Division 2 Code for Concrete Containments. He is also a member of the ASME Section III Committee on Construction of Nuclear Facility Components, a contributing member of the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards, and a member of the ASME Section III Subgroup on Editing & Review.Search for other works by this author on:Christopher A. Jones,Christopher A. JonesChristopher Jones received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University in 2011. He is an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas. Prior to joining the Faculty at K-State, Dr. Jones was previously employed at Sandia National Laboratories in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Programs Center. His research interests include characterization of cementitious and other structural materials, computational simulation and credibility, and concrete durability. Dr. Jones is a member of the Joint ACI-ASME Committee on Concrete Components for Nuclear Service.Search for other works by this author on: -
16 Containments for Transportation and Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Material and WasteByD. Wayne Lewis,D. Wayne Lewis
Mr. Donald Wayne Lewis is a Consulting Engineer for Westinghouse Electric Company with over 36 years of experience on spent fuel management, storage, transportation and disposal projects at commercial nuclear power plants and the Department of Energy Yucca Mountain Project. Mr. Lewis is a Member of the ASME Subgroup on Containments for Transportation and Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Material and Waste. Mr. Lewis received a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Montana State University and is a Registered Professional Engineer in New York, Ohio, Maine, Utah and Colorado.Search for other works by this author on:Garrick J. SoloveyGarrick J. SoloveyGarrick J. Solovey received his BSME from Drexel University a Masters from the Pennsylvania State University with studies in Public Policy at the University of DC. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania and Virginia. He retired from Precision Custom Components as Vice President with over 25 years in the design and manufacture of reactor vessels, primary nuclear system equipment and spent fuel containments. Also, he has significant engineering experience with several consulting firms including the CEO of WPI specializing in energy and environmental management services. He has presented more than 25 technical papers related to manufacturing, environmental management and spent nuclear fuel containments. He is a former ASME Congressional Fellow.Search for other works by this author on: