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Engineering the Everyday and the Extraordinary: Milestones in Innovation
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ASME Press
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A factory worker from the 18th century wouldn't recognize factories today. Dirty, dangerous jobs have been taken over by industrial robots. Ergonomics, workplace psychology, and time and motion study have improved the daily life of workers. Specialized machinery performs strenuous, repetitive jobs quickly and efficiently. Engineering has radically changed the equipment and processes of manufacturing, increasing productivity and making hitherto unimaginable products a reality.

Kate Gleason
Industrial Robots: Indefatigable Precision
Frank & Lillian Gilbreth: Work Life Efficiency
The Sewing Machine: Bringing Fashion to the Masses
The Microprocessor: Tiny Yet Enormously Powerful
The Conveyor Belt: Saving Time, Money, and Aching Backs
The Cotton Gin: Jump-Starting an Industry
The Clean Room: Cleaner than “Clean”
The Assembly Line: Major Headway for Manufacturing
3D Printing: A Whole New Dimension
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