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Case Studies in Transient Heat Transfer With Sensitivities to Governing Variables
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eBook Chapter
21. Cooling of a Desert’s Surface on Earth at Night from Infrared Radiation Heat Transfer
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Atesmen, MK. "Cooling of a Desert’s Surface on Earth at Night from Infrared Radiation Heat Transfer." Case Studies in Transient Heat Transfer With Sensitivities to Governing Variables. Ed. Atesmen, MK. ASME, 2023.
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In this chapter, we will investigate transient infrared radiation heat transfer at night from a desert’s surface at X = 0 which is suddenly exposed to outgoing and incoming constant infrared radiation heat flux. Solution to one-dimensional transient conduction heat transfer in a semi-infinite solid which is suddenly exposed to a constant heat flux at X = 0 was detailed in Chapter 17. Transient temperature distribution in a semi-infinite solid which is suddenly exposed to a constant heat flux qX=0 is shown in Equation 21-1.
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