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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2009)
Xie Yi
Xie Yi
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ASME Press
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The 21st century is a highly internationalized, scientific, and diversified knowledge economy era. It makes everybody aware of the superiority of modern educational technologies and the more and more important role of modern education technologies in the quality education. At present stage, in many schools, the investment has been enlarged into teaching hardware equipments, such as the equipping of computer multimedia, the adding of projectors and scanners, and the construction of gymnasiums. Besides, there are various opportunities to train teachers' computer level. Therefore, there are basic conditions for the bringing of the computer assisted instruction into physical education classrooms. With the rapid development of science and technologies, the knowledge economy has become the main and unique characteristic of the current society. As a result, how to cultivate students into high-quality and all-round developed talents becomes the important topic and task for all educational workers. Physical education, as an important part of the quality education, should also comprehensively and steadily develop. From the implementation of the idea of new curriculum reform till now when the quality education is being fully carried out and promoted, with the broad application of computer multimedia technologies to the classroom teaching, as a important index of standards to evaluate the classroom teaching, the traditional physical education teaching was is facing increasingly severe challenge, and disadvantages of the traditional physical education teaching have been completely disclosed. Therefore, the complementary action of computer multimedia in the physical education teaching is particularly requisite.

Key Words
1. Theoretical Analysis Of The Computer Multimedia Assisted Teaching
2. Status And Existent Issues About The Research On Computer Multimedia Assisted Physical Education Teaching
3. Analysis Of Factors Influencing The Physical Education Teaching
4. Application Of The Computer Multimedia Assisted Physical Education Teaching
5. Perfecting Strategies Of The Computer Multimedia Assisted Physical Education Teaching
6. Prospect In Computer Multimedia Assisted Physical Education Teaching And Issues To Concern About
7. Conclusion
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