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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2009)
Xie Yi
Xie Yi
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ASME Press
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Speech is becoming the privileged mean of communication. With the advent of computers, researchers and industrials are using it like a mean of communication in the Human Machine Interface domain.

All the current systems, based on the natural language, are far from assimilating all the characteristics of the language. Nowadays The Automatic Treatment of speech is progressing, in particular in the fields of Automatic Speech Recognition “ASR” and Speech Synthesis.

The automatic speaker recognition is represented like a particular pattern recognition task. It associates the problems relating to the speaker identification or verification using information found in the acoustic signal: we have to recognize a person by using his voice. ASR is used in many fields, like domestic, military or jurisprudence applications.

In this work we explore the automatic speaker recognition and present an Automatic Speaker Recognition System. We will use speaker recognition in text independent mode since we dispose of very few training data. We have to estimate with few data a robust speaker model to allow the recognition of the speaker.

Key Words
1 Introduction
2. Speaker Recognition System
3. Various Tasks of ASR Systems
4. Text Depend and Independent Mode
5. Error Sources
6. Basic System
7. Acoustic Analyze “Acoustic Parameterization
8. Speaker Modeling
9. Decision and Measurement of the Performances
10. Conclusion
11. References
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