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Vibration Assisted Machining: Theory, Modelling and Applications
Lu Zheng
Lu Zheng
Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK
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Wanqun Chen
Wanqun Chen
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
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Dehong Huo
Dehong Huo
Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK
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Vibration-assisted machining (VAM) has the advantage of reducing the cutting forces involved. Analysis of the cutting force of VAM is useful in characterizing the cutting process, since tool wear and surface texture levels depend closely on the cutting force [1]. However, it is difficult to predict the transient cutting force of VAM due to its complicated motion trajectory. The study of chip formation is helpful in predicting the cutting force. The geometric features of chips have important effects on cutting force, and in order to investigate the time-varying cutting force in VAM, a model of the geometric features of chips is established based on an analysis of chip formation. The effects of cutting parameters on the geometric features of chips are then analyzed. To predict the transient force quickly and effectively, the geometric features of chips are introduced into the cutting force model.

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