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Advanced Multifunctional Lightweight Aerostructures: Design, Development, and Implementation
Kamran Behdinan
Kamran Behdinan
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
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Rasool Moradi-Dastjerdi
Rasool Moradi-Dastjerdi
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
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The development of novel lightweight material and structural designs has been strongly influenced by considering the interaction between multiple length and time scales within a system. One example is the design of materials for crack resistance on the nanoscale such that their evolution at small scales influences thematerial fracture and fatigue resistance at themacroscale [1–3].Another example is the design of microscale lattice topologies that are being used as “architected materials” which when looked at from a macroscale perspective represent a homogeneous material with specifically designed properties such as increased strength to weight ratio, cooling, and energy absorption [4–6].

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