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Electromagnetic Waves and Heat Transfer: Sensitivities to Governing Variables in Everyday Life
M. Kemal Atesmen
M. Kemal Atesmen
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ASME Press
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A radar, an acronym for RAdio Detecting And Ranging, transmits from its transmitter short pulses of electromagnetic waves at radio and microwave frequencies, i.e. 30 kHz to 100 GHz, which may be reflected by objects on their path. Reflected electromagnetic waves come back to the receiving portion of a radar system to provide information about the shape and speed of the reflecting object such as airplanes, boats, missiles, speeding cars, etc. For example, radars in the 5 to 35 MHz electromagnetic wave transmission range are used to map currents in coastal waters. 2 to 4 GHz electromagnetic wave pulses are used for air traffic controllers. 8 to 12 GHz electromagnetic wave pulses are used for marine targets and missile guidance. 100 GHz electromagnetic wave pulses are used for high resolution meteorological observations and imaging. Rain particles also scatter portion of the electromagnetic wave pulses back to the receiver. This information tells where it is raining and how much precipitation there is. Doppler effect on these electromagnetic wave pulses can also determine the wind speed and direction of a rain storm.

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