Chapter 4. Solar Energy Applications in India
India has a population of 1.1 billion people (1/6th of the world population) and accounts for less than 5% of the global primary energy consumption. The average electricity consumption in India has increased from 704 kWh/person/year in 2008-09 to 1149 kWh/person/year in the year 2017-18. However, this is significantly lower than in developed countries. For eg., the average electricity consumption in the US was 12,830 kWh/person/year in 2016. In India, most states have peak and energy deficits. In 2008-09, the average deficit was about 8.2% for energy and 12.6% for the peak. These deficits reduced in 2017-18. The average deficit now is about 0.8% for energy and 1.1% for peak power [1]. In 2018, India achieved 100% electrification of villages but not all households. It is estimated that out of 181 million rural households, 22% do not have access to electricity [2]. India’s development strategy is to provide energy access to all households.